Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (2024)

Table of Contents
Browser Settings for Agent and Supervisor Desktop Sign In to Cisco Finesse Desktop Procedure Sign In to Cisco Finesse Desktop Single Sign-On Mode Sign In to Finesse Desktop Hybrid Mode Sign In Using IPv6 Account Locked After Five Failed Sign In Attempts Sign In as Mobile Agent Procedure Example: Accept Security Certificates Install certificates on Windows operating system: Install certificates on macOS: Accept Certificates for Live Data Gadget Procedure Sign Out of the Finesse Desktop Procedure Change Your State Change Your State for Voice Channels Change Your State for All Digital Channels Change Your State for Individual Digital Channels Popover Notifications for Digital Channels Make a Call Procedure Answer a Call Procedure Answer an Outbound Option Preview Call Procedure Answer a Direct Preview Outbound Call Procedure Reclassify a Direct Preview Outbound Call Procedure Schedule a Callback Procedure Answer an Outbound Option Personal Callback Call Procedure Initiate a Consult Call Procedure Transfer a Call (Single-Step Transfer) Procedure Send DTMF Procedure Desktop Chat Sign In to Desktop Chat Add Contact Edit Contact Move Contact Delete Contact Edit Group Delete Group Chat Window Change Your Desktop Chat State Sign Out of Desktop Chat Apply Wrap-Up Reason Procedure Edit Call Variables Procedure Force Wrap-Up View My History Recent Call History Recent State History View Multiple Live Data Report Views View Team Message Send Error Report Procedure Drag-and-Drop and Resize Gadget or Component Drag-and-Drop a Gadget or Component Resize a Gadget or Component Reset Layout

This chapter describes common tasks that agents and supervisors perform. These tasks include signing in and signing out of the desktop, changing your state, selecting reason codes and wrap-up reasons, and call control tasks.

Browser Settings for Agent and Supervisor Desktop

To ensure that all features of the Cisco Finesse agent and supervisor desktop work properly, you must disable popup blockers from the supported browsers. For the list of supported browsers, see the Unified CCE Compatibility Matrix.

Please revisit the versions in the release specific Comp Max.

Sign In to Cisco Finesse Desktop

The administrator can set up custom security banner message and custom logon message for Finesse Desktop users. Both the message types can be configured at the same time. The custom logon message can be used to configure the logon banner commonly across all processes that support the feature.

Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (1)


This feature custom logon message is available only for CCX deployment.

If your administrator has defined a custom security banner message, the message is displayed at the bottom of the Finesse desktop Sign In page. If your administrator has defined a custom logon message, the message is displayed in a pop-up dialog box after you click Sign In. You must acknowledge the custom logon message to sign in.



In the address bar of your browser, enter https://FQDN of Finesse Server: 8445/desktop, where FQDN of Finesse Server is the fully qualified domain name of the Cisco Finesse server.


If your contact center has installed a language pack for Cisco Finesse, on first login, a language selector screen appears on the desktop. From the language selector drop-down, choose the language that you want to appear on the desktop. Click Next.


You can also select a language by passing the locale as part of the URL (for example, https://FQDN of Primary Server:8445/desktop?locale=fr_FR) or by changing your browser preferred language. The default language is English (en_US).

If your contact center does not have a language pack installed for Cisco Finesse, the desktop locale is English only.


In the Username field, enter your Agent ID or user ID.


  • User IDs are case-sensitive and can contain numbers (0-9), hyphens (-), underscores (_), and periods (.). User IDs are assigned to you by your administrator and cannot begin or end with a period or contain two periods in a row.

  • Cisco Finesse agent usernames are restricted to 7-bit printable ASCII characters (any of the 94 characters with the numeric values from 33 to 126). The supported characters are: A-Z and 0-9,,,-,!, ~,`,$,^,&,(,),",',{,},@,.. The following characters are not supported: /, \, [,],:,;,|, =,,,+, *,?, <, >.

  • The Username (desktop Sign In page) in Unified CCE deployment refers to the AgentID (Peripheral number).

    For more information about retrieving an agent’s peripheral number from the LoginName, see Cisco Finesse Web Services Developer Guide, at!rest-api-dev-guide.


In the Password field, enter your password.


In the Extension field, enter the extension of your phone.


Click Sign In.


  • The Sign In button is enabled once the username, password, and extension fields are entered. If any field is incomplete, the Sign In button remains disabled.

  • If sign in fails due to device errors the desktop attempts to automatically sign in again. An alert is displayed detailing the number of remaining retries and the time left for the next retry attempt.

  • To change the language that appears on your desktop, use the Change the Language link. On the language selector screen, choose the language.

You are signed in to the Cisco Finesse desktop and your status is set to Not Ready. On clicking the user options on the top right corner, your role (agent or supervisor), agent name, agent ID, extension, and mobile number appear in the drop-down.


When you log in to the Finesse desktop for the first time, you are prompted to set your preference for notifications. Choose the option to always receive or allow toaster notifications. Toaster notifications will not appear if your browser is set to private mode that is New incognito window in Chrome, or New private window in Firefox.

Sign In to Cisco Finesse Desktop Single Sign-On Mode

Cisco Finesse supports custom logon message for Finesse desktop users. For more information on custom messages see the .



In the address bar of your browser, enter https://FQDN of Finesse Server: 8445/desktop, where FQDN of Finesse Server is the fully qualified domain name of the Cisco Finesse server.


If your contact center has installed a language pack for Cisco Finesse, on first sign-in, a Language Selector screen appears on the desktop. From the language selector drop-down, choose the language that you want to appear on the desktop. Click Next.


You can also select a language by passing the locale as part of the URL (for example, https://FQDN of Primary Server:8445/desktop?locale=fr_FR) or by changing your browser preferred language. The default language is English (en_US).

If your contact center does not have a language pack installed for Cisco Finesse, the desktop locale is English only.


On the IdP page, enter Username and Password, and click Sign in.


You must enter the AWDB username.


In the Extension field, enter your extension and click Submit.


  • To change the language that appears on your desktop, use the Change the Language link. On the language selector screen, choose the language.

You are signed in to the Cisco Finesse desktop and your status is set to Not Ready. On clicking the user options on the top right corner, your role (agent or supervisor), agent name, agent ID, extension, and mobile number appear in the drop-down.


On first sign-in, you are prompted to set your preference for notifications. On the sign-in page, Username field is auto populated and disabled. Choose the option to always receive or allow toaster notifications. Toaster notifications will not appear if your browser is set to private mode that is New incognito window in Chrome, or New private window in Firefox.

Sign In to Finesse Desktop Hybrid Mode



In the address bar of your browser, enter https://FQDN of Finesse Server:8445/desktop, where FQDN of Finesse Server is the fully qualified domain name of the Cisco Finesse server.


If your contact center has installed a language pack for Cisco Finesse, on first login, a Language Selector screen appears on the desktop. From the language selector drop-down, choose the language that you want to appear on the desktop and click Next.


You can also select a language by passing the locale as part of the URL (for example, https://FQDN of Finesse server/desktop?locale=fr_FR) or by changing your browser preferred language. The default language is English (en_US).

If your contact center does not have a language pack installed for Cisco Finesse, the desktop locale is English only.


In non-SSO mode, enter Username, Password and Extension on the Cisco Finesse login page. Click Sign In.


In SSO mode, you are re-directed to the IdP page. Enter Username, Password and click Sign in on the IdP page. You are re-directed to Cisco Finesse login page


You must enter the AWDB username.
  1. On the Cisco Finesse login page, enter your Extension and click Submit.


In Hybrid mode, enter Username (AWDB) and click Next on the Cisco Finesse identity page. You are re-directed to IdP page.

  1. On the IdP page, enter Username (AWDB), Password and click Sign in. You are re-directed to Cisco Finesse login page.

  2. On the Finesse login page, enter your Extension and click Submit.


    • If sign in fails due to device errors the desktop attempts to automatically sign in again. An alert is displayed detailing the number of remaining retries and the time left for the next retry attempt.

    • Device selection is applicable for hybrid login too.


To change the language that appears on your desktop, use the Change the Language link. On the language selector screen, choose the language.

You are signed in to the Cisco Finesse desktop and your status is set to Not Ready. On clicking the user options on the top right corner, your role (agent or supervisor), agent name, agent ID, extension, and mobile number appear in the drop-down.


  • Non SSO users in Hybrid Mode can log in with a different username by clicking the Sign in as a different user link. This will direct you to the sign in page to enter your credentials.

  • On first login, you are prompted to set your preference for notifications. Choose the option to always receive or allow toaster notifications. Notifications may not appear if your browser is set to private mode that is New incognito window in Chrome, or New private window in Firefox.

Sign In Using IPv6

If directed by your administrator, you can sign in to Finesse using an IPv6-only client. In this case, include the appropriate HTTPS port in the sign-in URL in Step 1 of the preceding procedure.

  • For secure access using HTTPS, enter:


The remaining steps of the sign-in procedure remain the same for IPv6.

Account Locked After Five Failed Sign In Attempts

If you try to sign in to Finesse with the wrong password for five times in a row, Finesse blocks access to your account for five minutes. For security reasons, if you try to sign in again during that time, Finesse does not alert you that your account is locked. You must wait five minutes and try again. Do not attempt to sign in again when your account is locked, otherwise the lockout timer resets, and you must wait an additional five minutes.

This restriction applies regardless of how you sign in, be it on the desktop, as a mobile agent, or using the Finesse IP Phone Agent (IPPA).

Sign In as Mobile Agent

When you sign in as a mobile agent, you can use any phone (home phone or mobile phone) that is accessible to the contact center phone system to receive calls.

For more information about using the mobile agent feature, see the Unified Contact Center Enterprise Features Guide.



In the address bar of your browser, enter https://FQDN of Finesse Server: 8445/desktop, where FQDN of Finesse Server is the fully qualified domain name of the Cisco Finesse server.


In the ID, password, and Extension fields enter your username or agent ID, password, and extension.

For a mobile agent, the extension represents your virtual extension, also known as the local CTI port (LPC).


Check the Sign in as a Mobile Agent box.


The Mode and Dial Number fields appear. From the Mode drop-down, choose the mode you want to use.


In Call by Call mode, your phone is dialed for each incoming call and disconnected when the call ends.

In Nailed Connection mode, your phone is called when you sign in and the line stays connected through multiple customer calls.


In the Dial Number field, enter your phone number and click Sign In.


  • If sign in fails due to device errors the desktop attempts to automatically sign in again. An alert is displayed detailing the number of remaining retries and the time left for the next retry attempt.

In Nailed Connection mode, the desktop must receive and answer a setup call before sign-in is complete.

You are signed into the Cisco Finesse desktop and your status is set to Not Ready. On clicking the user options on the top right corner, your role (agent or supervisor), agent name, agent ID, extension, and mobile number appear in the drop-down.

When you select the Sign in as a Mobile Agent check box and choose a mode (Call by Call or Nailed Connection), Finesse stores a cookie in your browser that allows the browser to remember these selections. When you access the sign-in page again, the Sign in as a Mobile Agent check box and Mode are already selected. These selections persist across sign-ins, browser restarts, and failover scenarios.

However, if you access the alternate Finesse server directly and you have not signed in to this server as a mobile agent before, you must make these selections again.

Accept Security Certificates

Ensure that the pop-ups are enabled for the Finesse desktop.

After you enter the Finesse desktop URL in your browser, the procedure to add a certificate is as follows:

Install certificates on Windows operating system:

The procedure to add a certificate varies for each browser. The procedure for each browser is as follows:

Internet Explorer

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If you are using a Windows client, signed in as a Windows user, you must run Internet Explorer as an administrator to install the security certificates. In your Start menu, right-click Internet Explorer and select Run as administrator.

Contact your administrator if you do not have the required permissions to install the security certificates.

  1. A page appears that states there is a problem with the website's security certificate. Click Continue to this website (not recommended) link to open the Finesse sign in page. The Finesse sign in screen appears with a certificate error in the address bar.

  2. Click on the certificate error that appears in the address bar and then click View Certificates.

  3. In the Certificate dialog box, click Install Certificate to open the Certificate Import Wizard.

  4. Select Current User to install the certificate for the current user only, or select Local Machine to install the certificate for all Windows users.

  5. On the Certificate Import Wizard, click Next.

  6. Select Place all certificates in the following store and click Browse.

  7. Select Trusted Root Certification Authorities and click OK.

  8. Click Next and then click Finish. A Security Warning dialog box appears.

  9. Click Yes to install the certificate. The Certificate Import dialog box appears.

  10. Click OK and close the Certificate Import dialog box.

  11. Close the browser tab. The accepted certificate link is removed from the SSL Certificate Not Accepted dialog box.

Repeat the preceding steps for all the certificate links. After you accept all the certificates, the sign-in process is complete.

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To remove the certificate error from the desktop, you must close and reopen your browser.


  1. On Your connection is not secure page, click Advanced > Add Exception.

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    Ensure that the Permanently store this exception box is checked.

  2. Click Confirm Security Exception.

  3. On the Finesse sign in page, enter your agent ID or username, password, and extension, and click Sign In.

  4. In the SSL Certificate Not Accepted dialog box, click the certificate link. A browser tab opens for the certificate that you must accept.

  5. On the browser tab, click I Understand the Risks > Add Exception. Ensure that the Permanently store this exception box is checked.

  6. Click Confirm Security Exception. The browser tab closes after you accept the certificate and the accepted certificate link is removed from the SSL Certificate Not Accepted dialog box. Close the browser tab if it does not automatically close.

Repeat the preceding steps for all the certificate links. After you accept all the certificates, the sign-in process is complete.

Chrome and Edge Chromium (Microsoft Edge)

  1. A page appears that states your connection is not private. To open the Finesse sign in page,

    In Chrome, click Advanced > Proceed to <Hostname> (unsafe).

    In Microsoft Edge, click Advanced > Continue to <Hostname> (unsafe).

  2. Enter your agent ID or username, password, and extension, and then click Sign In.

  3. In the SSL Certificate Not Accepted dialog box, click the certificate link. A browser tab opens for the certificate that you must accept.

  4. On the browser tab,

    In Chrome, click Advanced > Proceed to <Hostname> (unsafe).

    In Microsoft Edge, click Advanced > Continue to <Hostname> (unsafe).

    The browser tab closes after you accept the certificate and the accepted certificate link is removed from the SSL Certificate Not Accepted dialog box. Close the browser tab if it does not automatically close.

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    If you click the certificate link and do not accept it, the certificate link stays enabled in the SSL Certificate Not Accepted dialog box. The certificate error appears every time you sign in. The procedure to permanently accept the certificate is as follows.

  5. Click on the certificate error that appears in the address bar and then,

    In Chrome, select Certificate (Invalid).

    In Microsoft Edge, select Certificate (not valid).

    The Certificate dialog box appears.

  6. In the Details tab, click Copy to File. The Certificate Export Wizard appears.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Keep the default selection DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER) and click Next.

  9. Click Browse and select the folder in which you want to save the certificate, enter a recognizable file name and click Save.

  10. Browse to the folder where you have saved the certificate (.cer file), right-click on the file, and click Install Certificate. The Certificate Import Wizard appears.

  11. Keep the default selection Current User and click Next.

  12. Select Place all certificates in the following store and click Browse. The Select Certificate Store dialog box appears.

  13. Select Trusted Root Certification Authorities and click OK.

  14. Click Next and then click Finish. A Security Warning dialog box appears that asks if you want to install the certificate.

  15. Click Yes. A Certificate Import dialog box that states the import was successful appears.

Close the browser and sign in to Finesse. The security error does not appear in the address bar.

Install certificates on macOS:

The procedure to download a certificate varies for each browser. The procedure for each browser is as follows:

Chrome and Edge Chromium (Microsoft Edge)

  1. A warning page appears which states that your connection is not private. To open the Finesse sign in page,

    In Chrome, click Advanced > Proceed to <Hostname> (unsafe).

    In Microsoft Edge, click Advanced > Continue to <Hostname> (unsafe).

  2. Click on the certificate error that appears in the address bar and then,

    In Chrome, select Certificate (Invalid).

    In Microsoft Edge, select Certificate (Not Valid).

    A certificate dialog box appears with the certificate details.

  3. Drag the Certificate icon to the desktop.

  4. Double-click the certificate. The Keychain Access application opens.

  5. In the right pane of Keychains dialog, browse to the certificate, right-click on the certificate, and select Get Info from the options that are listed. A dialog appears with more information about the certificate.

  6. Expand Trust. From the When using this certificate drop-down, select Always Trust.

  7. Close the dialog box that has more information about the certificate. A confirmation dialog box appears.

  8. Authenticate the modification of Keychains by providing a password.

  9. The certificate is now trusted, and the certificate error does not appear on the address bar.


  1. In your Firefox browser, enter the Finesse desktop URL. A warning page appears which states that there is a security risk.

  2. Click Advanced and then click View Certificate link. The Certificate Viewer dialog box appears.

  3. Click Details and then click Export. Save the certificate (.crt file) in a local folder.

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    If .crt file option is not available, select .der option to save the certificate.

  4. From the menu, select Firefox > Preferences. The Preferences page is displayed.

  5. In the left pane, select Privacy & Security.

  6. Scroll to the Certificates section and click View Certificates .... The Certificate Manager window is displayed.

  7. Click Import and select the certificate.

  8. The certificate is now authorized, and the certificate error does not appear on the address bar.

Accept Certificates for Live Data Gadget

The Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Live Data gadget provides reports that you can view in the Finesse desktop. If your desktop contains these reports, the first time you sign in, you may be prompted to accept security certificates.



Sign in to the Finesse desktop.

The Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Live Data gadget displays a message that states Finesse is checking for connectivity. If Finesse detects any security certificates that must be accepted, a message appears that lists the certificates that you must accept to use Cisco Unified Intelligence Center.


Each Cisco Unified Intelligence Center report displays this message.


Click OK.

A new browser tab (or window, depending on your browser settings) opens for each certificate that you need to accept. The message in the gadget changes to state that to continue, accept the certificates in the opened tabs.


If you use Internet Explorer:

  1. Click Certificate error > View Certificates to open the Certificate dialog box.

  2. On the Certificate dialog box, click Install Certificate to open the Certificate Import Wizard.

    If you are using Internet Explorer 11 with Windows 10, the Install Certificate option does not appear until you add Finesse to your trusted sites.

    1. From the browser menu, select Internet Options.

    2. On the Security tab, click Trusted Sites > Sites.

    3. In the Add this website to the zone field, enter the URL for the Finesse desktop and click Add.

    4. After you click Install Certificate, under Store Location, select Current User to install the certificate for the current user only, or select Local Machine to install the certificate for all Windows users on that computer.

      If you select Local Machine, a dialog box appears that asks if you want to allow Windows host process to make changes to this computer. Select Yes.

  3. On the Certificate Import Wizard, click Next.

  4. Select Place all certificates in the following store and click Browse.

  5. Select Trusted Root Certification Authorities and click OK.

  6. Click Next.

  7. Click Finish.

  8. On the Security Warning dialog box, click Yes to install the certificate.

  9. On the Certificate Import dialog box, click OK.

  10. Click OK on the Certificate dialog box.

  11. Close the browser tab. Repeat the preceding steps until all certificates are accepted.

    After the browser tabs are closed, the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Live Data gadget reloads.


To accept the certificates in Microsoft Edge:

  1. In certificate error browser tab, click Certificate error > View Certificates to open the certificate information.

  2. In the Certificate Information column, click Export to file, browser to any location on your computer and save the certificate.

  3. From Start, search and open the Manage user certificates tool.

  4. In Manage user certificates, under Certificates - Local Computer, right-click Trusted Root Certification Authorities and click All Tasks > Import.

  5. In the Certificate Import Wizard, click Next.

  6. Click Browse, navigate to the location where you exported the certificate, select the certificate, and click Open.

  7. In the Certificate Import Wizard, click Next > Next > Finish.

  8. In the Certificate Import Wizard dialog box, click OK.

  9. After the browser tabs are closed, the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Live Data gadget reloads.


If you use Firefox:

  1. In each tab, click I Understand the Risks and click Add Exception.

  2. Ensure the Permanently store this exception box is checked.

  3. Click Confirm Security Exception.

    After the browser tabs are closed, the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Live Data gadget reloads.


To accept the certificates in Chrome:

  1. In Your connection is not private page, click Advanced > Proceed to CUIC FQDN.

After the browser tabs are closed, the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center Live Data gadget reloads.

Sign Out of the Finesse Desktop

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Do not close your browser to sign out of the Finesse desktop. Finesse can take up to 120 seconds to detect that your browser is closed and an additional 60 seconds to sign you out. Finesse may continue to route contacts to you during this time.

You cannot sign out of the Finesse desktop when your Voice or Digital Channels are in the Ready state.



Ensure your state is set to Not Ready. Click the user options icon on the top-right corner of your screen. The Sign Out option is displayed with a drop-down list of Sign Out reason codes.


Select the appropriate Sign Out reason code to sign out.


If no Sign Out reason codes are configured for your team, Finesse signs you out when you click Sign Out.


On the Sign Out screen, you can choose to exit the browser or click the Sign In link to be redirected to the Finesse login screen.

Change Your State

When you sign in to Cisco Finesse desktop, by default your state is set to Not Ready. This is applicable to both voice and digital channels.

You can set your state to Ready or you can choose from one of the configured Not Ready reasons.

While you are on a call, chat or replying to an email, you can select and apply a state when you complete the task.

Change Your State for Voice Channels

When you sign in to Cisco Finesse desktop, by default your state is set to Not Ready. To accept incoming call, you must set your state to Ready.

When you answer a call, you can change your state after you complete the call. If Wrap-Up is required, when a call ends you transition to Wrap-Up state. While in Wrap-Up state, you can complete any after call work. If Wrap-Up is optional, you can select Wrap-Up while on call to transition to Wrap-Up state when the call ends.

To end the Wrap-Up state, you must select your new state from the drop-down or wait for the preconfigured timer to expire.



Click the drop-down besides your current state.


Select the appropriate state from the list.

Your agent state changes to reflect your new selected state. If you select change of state while you are still on call, the state change will reflect after you complete the call.

Change Your State for All Digital Channels

When you sign in to Cisco Finesse desktop, the default state will be Not Ready for all digital channels. However, for individual digital channels, the default state reflected is as per registration for that particular channel.

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You can register and configure upto four digital channels for Unified CCE deployment.

To change state for all digital channels:



Click the drop-down beside your current state.


Select Ready state from the list.

For all the digital channels, your selected state change is displayed as Ready.

What to do next

Proceed to change the state for your individual registered digital channels.

Change Your State for Individual Digital Channels

You can change the state for individual digital channels that you have configured and registered.



Click on the drop-down beside the configured channel.


Select the required state from the list.

The change of state for the individual digital channels is reflected as a color change on the icon. For example, to indicate the state change, if you have registered Available and Not Available as the terminologies for Chat channel, and you select Available as your state, the Chat icon changes to green and if you select Non Available the Chat icon changes to Red.

Popover Notifications for Digital Channels

When you receive a request for chat, email, or any digital channels that you have registered and configured, a popover notification is displayed on the Finesse desktop. Click Accept to accept the request or Reject to reject the request.

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If you do not accept the request, the popover notification fades away. The duration of the notification is configured by the administrator.

Make a Call

Your status must be Ready or Not Ready to make an outgoing call.

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Finesse supports the use of any ASCII character when you make a call. Finesse converts letters typed into the dial pad into numbers. It does not remove non-numeric characters (including parentheses and hyphens) from phone numbers. All alphabetical and special characters from the phone numbers including #, *, +, and : is supported.



Click the dialpad icon on the Cisco Finesse desktop.

The dialer dialog containing the keypad and a list of phone contacts is displayed. Your administrator assigns the phone contacts.


Click the contact from the list or manually enter the number into the dialpad to make a call.


Enter text in the search field to search the list of contacts. To edit the number before making a call, click the edit icon next to the contact to populate the dialpad with the phone number.


To end the call, click End.

Answer a Call

You must be in Ready state to be available for customer calls. When a call arrives at the desktop, your state automatically changes to Reserved. A popover notification with configured customer details is displayed with the Answer button.

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You can receive a direct call from another agent while you are in Not Ready or Ready state.



Sign in to the Finesse desktop using the URL: https://FQDN of Finesse Server:8445/desktop.


Click Answer in the notification popover.

Your state changes to Talking. You are connected to the caller. The configured call variables are displayed in the call control area and can be maximized or minimized, if required. This can be done by toggling the maximize/minimize arrow or clicking on call control. If a second call arrives on the desktop, the original call's call variables display is minimized.


To end the call, click End.

Your state changes to Ready and you are available for the next incoming call.

To be in Not Ready state when the call ends, click the drop-down arrow beside your state while you are on the call and choose Not Ready or Not Ready with the appropriate reason code. Your state changes to Talking->Not Ready (Pending). After the call ends, your state changes to Not Ready.

Answer an Outbound Option Preview Call

An Outbound Option Preview call allows you to view a customer's contact information before you choose to accept or decline the call.



Ensure your state is set to Ready to receive a call.

The Outbound Option Preview call arrives at the desktop as a popover with the Accept and Decline buttons.Your state changes to Reserved (Outbound). The Call Control gadget expands to show customer information.


After you review the information, click Accept to accept the call or click Decline to decline the call.

If you accept the call, the system places the call to the customer. If the attempt succeeds, you are connected to the customer. If the attempt fails, the reservation call disappears and Finesse places you in the Ready state.

If you decline the call, you must choose to reject or close the contact. If you click Reject, the contact remains in the campaign to be retried at a later time. If you click Close, the contact is closed for the duration of the campaign.

Answer a Direct Preview Outbound Call

A Direct Preview Outbound call allows you to view a customer's contact information before you choose to accept or decline the call.



Ensure your state is set to Ready to receive a call.

A Direct Preview Outbound call arrives at the desktop as a popover which has Accept and Decline buttons. Your state changes to Reserved (Outbound). The Call Control gadget expands to show customer information.


After you review the information, click Accept to accept the call or click Decline to decline the call.

If you accept the call, the system places the call to the customer directly from your phone. If the attempt succeeds, you are connected to the customer. If the attempt fails, Finesse places you in Ready state.

If you decline the call, you must choose to reject or close the contact. If you click Reject, the contact remains in the campaign to be retried at a later time. If you click Close, the contact is closed for the duration of the campaign.

Reclassify a Direct Preview Outbound Call

The Reclassify button allows you to reclassify a Direct Preview Outbound call as Answering Machine, Fax, Invalid Number, or Voice. By default, a call is classified as Voice. This button is available after you accept the Direct Preview call and remains for the life of the call. This also available while you are in the Wrap-Up state. You can reclassify a call multiple times.



Answer a Direct Preview Outbound call.


Listen to the call. If you determine the number called is busy, an answering machine, a fax, or an invalid number, click Reclassify.


Choose the appropriate option from the resulting drop-down.


To end the call, click End.

Schedule a Callback

If you are on an Outbound Dialer call and the customer wants to be called back at a later time, you can schedule a callback.



While you are on the call, click Callback.

The Callback dialog box appears. The Current Time field contains the current time in the customer's time zone (this field is read-only). The Phone Number field contains the phone number that was dialed for this call.


If the customer prefers to be called back at a different phone number, enter the new phone number in the Phone Number field.


In the Date and Time fields, enter the date and time to call the customer. Type the date and time in to the respective fields or choose the date and time from the displayed calendar.

You must enter the time in the customer's location (not the time in your location).

You can toggle between AM or PM and click Enter.


The time corresponds to the customer's time zone. Finesse uses the customer's area code to determine the time zone. A customer using a mobile phone may not be in the time zone that matches the area code of the phone. Therefore, you should confirm the time zone with the customer.


Click Schedule.


If you need to update the information after you schedule a callback, click Callback to re-open the Callback dialog box.


Update the necessary fields and click Update.


If you need to cancel the callback after you schedule it, click Callback to re-open the Callback dialog box.


Click Cancel.

A message is displayed confirming that the callback has been canceled.

Answer an Outbound Option Personal Callback Call

When you are on an Outbound Option call, you can schedule a customer callback at a more convenient time. Scheduled callbacks can be personal or regular, depending on the configuration of your contact center. Regular callbacks appear on your desktop in the same Outbound Option mode as the original call (for example, if the original call was a Preview call, the callback call is a Preview call).

Personal callbacks are similar to Outbound Option Preview calls but the buttons on the desktop are slightly different.



Ensure your state is set to Ready to receive a call.

When an Outbound Option Personal Callback call arrives at the desktop, your state changes to Reserved (Outbound). The Call Control gadget expands to show customer information.


After you review the information, click Accept to accept the call or click Decline, and then click Close.

If you accept the call, the system places the call to the customer. If the attempt succeeds, you are connected to the customer. If the attempt fails, the reservation call disappears and Finesse places you in Ready state.

If you decline the call, the contact is closed for the duration of the campaign.

Initiate a Consult Call

You must be on an active call to initiate a consult call.



Click Consult.

The dialer dialog containing the keypad and a list of phone contacts is displayed.


Choose the contact you want to consult from the list of contacts or enter the number into the dialpad.


On the dialpad, click Call.

The customer call is placed on hold and you are connected to the contact that you called.


After you consult with the contact that you called, you can choose to end the consult call and retrieve the customer call, conference the customer into the consult call, or transfer the customer to the agent or supervisor that you consulted.

Option Description

To end the consult call and retrieve the customer call

Click End on the consult call and click Retrieve on the customer call.

To place the other agent or supervisor on hold and go back to the customer

Click Retrieve on the customer call.

Click Retrieve on the consult call to place the customer on hold and go back to the other agent or supervisor.

To conference the customer into the consult call

Click Conference. If you want to leave the conference, click End.

To transfer the customer to the agent or supervisor you are consulting with

Click Transfer.

Transfer a Call (Single-Step Transfer)

This feature allows you to transfer a call without first initiating a consult call.

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You must be in Talking state to initiate a transfer. If you put the call on hold, the Transfer button disappears.



Click Direct Transfer.

The dialer dialog containing the keypad and a list of phone contacts is displayed.


Your administrator assigns your phone contacts.


Choose a contact from the list or enter the number you want to call into the dialpad.


Enter text in the search field to search the list of contacts or select a contact to populate the dialpad with the phone number.


On the dialer dialog, click Direct Transfer.

The call disappears from your desktop. You are now ready for the next call.


Use this feature to send a string of dual-tone multifrequency (DTMF) digits during a call. For example, you can use this feature to interact with an interactive voice response (IVR) system to enter an account number or a password.

The Wrap-Up button and the call control buttons Hold, Transfer, Consult, and End are disabled across all calls when DTMF Keypad is opened, and until the responses to all DTMF requests are completed or have timed out. The number of outstanding requests and the timeout duration is configured by your administrator.

Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (13)


You must be on an active call to use this feature.



Click Keypad.

The dialer dialog containing the keypad and a list of phone contacts are displayed.


Click the appropriate buttons on the dialpad to enter the DTMF digits.

You can send the following characters as part of a DTMF string:

  • 0-9

  • pound sign (#)

  • asterisk (*)

The characters appear in the text field above the dialpad (this text field is read-only).


You can use the dialpad to enter the DTMF digits. You cannot type the DTMF digits using your keyboard.


Click Keypad again or click anywhere outside to close the dialpad.

Desktop Chat

Desktop Chat interface is hosted by the Finesse browser desktop and requires a separate login. This feature provides chat functionalities required for agents and supervisors to chat with each other or with other Subject Matter Experts in the organization. Desktop Chat is available on your Finesse desktop only if the administrator has configured this feature for you.

If Cisco IM and Presence is configured with certificate which are not automatically trusted by browsers, user will be prompted to accept security certificate during sign in to the Finesse desktop. To avoid the prompts to accept certificate appearing every time, user must add the certificate to the browser trust store, or configure IM and Presence with CA-signed certificate, or push self-signed certificate through group policies in supported browsers. For more information, see Accept Security Certificates.

Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (14)


The supported format for Cisco IM and Presence EC certificate is

Desktop Chat users are identified with a unique identity which is in the form of

The agent state in the Desktop Chat is separate from the Voice or Digital Channels state and can be controlled by the user.

The Desktop Chat state is reflected in the user's combined presence. For example, If you are logging into Desktop Chat, you are seen as available in Jabber or other connected chat tools.

While accepting the Desktop Chat certificates, if you accept one certificate and skip the rest, you will lose your Desktop Chat status during a failover. Ensure to accept all certificates to preserve the Desktop Chat login and status after a failover. Depending on the failover type, you may either lose or retain all your Desktop chat sessions.

Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (15)


Desktop Chat does not support Single Sign-On. It requires an explicit login for both SSO and non SSO platforms.

Sign In to Desktop Chat



In the Finesse desktop, click the Desktop Chat icon (Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (16)).


Enter your username and password in the appropriate fields and click Sign In.


Click the certificate link. A new browser tab opens for the certificate that you must accept. A certificate error appears in the address bar.


If you are using self-signed certificates, you get the certificate acceptance window.

  • To accept the certificates in Internet Explorer, refer to the section Accept Security Certificates > Step 2 > Substep d onward.

  • To accept the certificates in Firefox, refer to the section Accept Security Certificates > Step 4 onwards.

  • To accept the certificates in Chrome and Edge Chromium, refer to the section Accept Security Certificates > Step 5 onwards.


The Accept Security Certificates topic is in the Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide for Cisco Unified Contact Center Express.

Add Contact

If you have Cisco Jabber on your desktop, then the first time you sign in to Desktop Chat, you will see your Cisco Jabber contact list in the Desktop Chat window. If you do not have Cisco Jabber, your contact list will be empty.



To add a contact:

  • In the empty contact list, enter the agent name or ID in the Search field.


    When you enter the text to search, the Search field pre populates relevant results in a drop-down. From the results list, hover over the required contact and click the Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (17) icon.
  • In the existing contact list, click the Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (18) icon at the end of the group and click Add.

  • From the Recent Chats group, click the Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (19) icon at the end of the required chat and click Add.


In the Add Contact window, you can choose to change the display name.


From the Add to Group drop-down, either choose an existing group or create a new group to add the contact.


Click Add.

The contact is added to your existing or newly created group.

Edit Contact

Use this option to change the contact name or contact group.



In the Contact list, click the Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (20) icon at the end of the required contact.


From the drop-down, click Edit.


In the Edit Contact window, modify the display name or the group.

While modifying the group for the contact, you can either add the contact to existing groups or create a new group.


Click Save.

Move Contact

Use this option to move a contact to a different group.



To move a single Contact:

  1. Click the Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (21) icon at the end of the required contact.

  2. From the drop-down, click Move.

  3. In the Select Destination window, select an existing group or create a new group.

  4. Click Move.


To move multiple contacts:

  1. Press and hold the Ctrl key and select the required contacts.

  2. On the Contact list header, click Move.

  3. In the Select Destination window, select existing groups or create a new group.

  4. Click Move.

Delete Contact

Use this option to delete a contact. If the contact is part of multiple groups, it is removed only from that group and not from the other groups.



To delete a single contact:

  1. In the Contact list, click the Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (22) icon at the end of the required contact.

  2. From the drop-down, click Delete.

  3. In the confirmation prompt, click Delete to remove the contact from that group.


To delete multiple contacts:

  1. Press and hold the Ctrl key and select the required contacts.

  2. On the Contact list header, click Delete.

  3. In the confirmation prompt, click Delete to remove the contact from that group.

Edit Group

Use this option to change the group name.



In the contact list, click the Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (23) icon at the end of the required group.


From the drop-down list, click Edit.


In the Group window, modify the group name.


Click Save.

Delete Group

Use this option to delete a group.



In the Contact list, click the Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (24) icon at the end of the required group.


From the drop-down, click Delete.


In the confirmation prompt, click Delete.

The group is removed with all the contacts in it.

Chat Window

When you receive an incoming chat request, a chat window pops up with the display name of the agent in the chat window header. If the Cisco Finesse desktop window or tab is inactive, Finesse displays a notification with the chat details. Click the toaster notification to restore the Cisco Finesse desktop.

You can move the chat window to any location on the screen but cannot maximize it to the full screen.

Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (25)


You can chat with agents logged in to the Desktop Chat. You cannot send messages to the signed out agents.

The Desktop Chat window provides the following functionalities:

  • Typing area: Type your message in the typing area. Right-click to perform basic clipboard operations.

  • The typing awareness indicator shows when the other participant is typing.

  • Multiple chats:

    • All agents are displayed in the chat tabs at the bottom of the chat window.

    • The chat tab area displays up to three active chats. To view more than three active chats, click the Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (26) icon.

    • For each chat tab, the unread chat notification is shown in a badge next to the display name. The badge disappears when that chat tab is active.

    • When you hover over the status on any chat tab next to the display name, you get the option to close that chat tab.

  • Click the chat window header to minimize or maximize the chat window.

    • When minimized, the chat window header shows the total number of chats that have unread messages.

    • Click X on the chat window header and confirm to close all chats.

  • Chat history: The Desktop Chat window stores the chat history only for a particular session. If you sign out or the browser is refreshed or closed, the chat history is lost.

  • Resize chat window: Click the Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (27) button on the chat window header to increase the chat window frame size and the Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (28) button to restore the frame size.

  • Attachments:

    Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (29)


    The administrator should have enabled attachment support for you to send and receive attachments.

    • To send an attachment:

      1. Click the Send a file button and navigate to the file you want to send.

      2. Click OK.

    • When you receive an attachment, you are prompted to Accept and Decline the attachment. Click Accept to download the attachment or click Decline to reject it.

      • The file name and file size are displayed in the attachment header.

      • The attachments are downloaded in the downloads folder of the browser.

      • You cannot open the attachment from the chat window.

      • The supported file types and maximum attachment size are configured by your administrator.

    Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (30)


    You can send or receive attachments only from the users using Desktop Chat.

Change Your Desktop Chat State

When you sign in to the Desktop Chat, your state is set to Available by default. To change your state:



Click the drop-down arrow beside your current state in the Desktop Chat window.


Choose the appropriate state from the list.

Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (31)


If your status in set to Do Not Disturb and you receive a chat message, the message is displayed only if your chat window is active. If the chat window is closed or minimized, the Desktop Chat icon blinks and you will only see the minimized chat window header with the number of chat tabs that have unread messages.

Sign Out of Desktop Chat

When you sign out of the Desktop Chat, you will only be signed out from the Desktop Chat and not the Voice or Digital channels. Your Voice and Digital Channels state remains the same. To sign out:



Click the drop-down arrow beside your current state in the Desktop Chat window


From the displayed list, click Sign Out.

Apply Wrap-Up Reason

Wrap-up reasons can be applied on all Inbound calls routed to the Contact Center and on all the Contact Center triggered outbound campaign calls only. If your administrator has assigned wrap-up reasons to you, the Wrap-Up Reason button appears when you are on a call or when you are in Wrap-Up state after a call (if you are configured for Wrap-Up).

If you do not have any Wrap-Up Reasons assigned to you, you will not have this feature on your desktop. Your administrator creates and assigns Wrap-Up Reasons.

Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (32)


Wrap-Up Reasons are set on per call basis. This means if you apply a wrap-up reason for a call, the same will be reflected on desktops of all other participants (agents) of the call.

You can enter a Wrap-Up Reason during a call or while you are in Wrap-Up state after the call ends (this includes call termination as well as transfer and conference drop scenarios). If Wrap-Up is required, you automatically transition to Wrap-Up state when the call ends. If wrap-up is optional, you can select Wrap-Up from the agent state drop-down during the call. Your state then appears as Talking -> Wrap-Up (Pending) for the duration of the call. When the call ends, you transition to Wrap-Up state and can complete any after call work.

If you want to specify what state to enter when the wrap-up timer expires, you can select the state from the drop-down before you select Wrap-Up. For example, while on a call, select Not Ready from the drop-down. Then select Wrap-Up.

To end Wrap-Up state, select your new state (Ready or Not Ready) from the drop-down or wait for the preconfigured timer to expire.

Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (33)


Once you enter a Wrap-Up state no further call updates will be made in the call control gadget. However, if you enter a wrap-up reason for the call while in wrap-up state, the call control gadget will be updated with the new wrap-up reason only; all other call information will remain as they were prior to entering the wrap-up state.



Click Wrap-Up.


You can either select the appropriate reason by scrolling through the drop-down or use the provided search field in the Wrap-Up drop-down.


Click Apply.

A check icon appears on top of the Wrap-Up button to indicate that Finesse successfully applied the Wrap-Up reason. The Wrap-Up reason that is applied is displayed as a tag just below the search field in the Wrap-Up popover.


You can change the Wrap-Up reason during the call. If you decide you want to use a different Wrap-Up reason, click the Wrap-Up button again, select a new Wrap-Up reason, and click Apply.

If you want to cancel the Wrap-Up reason, click Cancel to close the Wrap-Up popover.

Edit Call Variables

You can edit the call variable values if the administrator has configured the call variable as editable. You can edit the values during an active call or in the wrap-up state.

Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (34)


Call variables edit operation updates the values of the variables within the particular call. All entities listening to dialog events receive the updated call variables through the Cisco Finesse notifications. If any CTI clients are connected to the same Agent PG, they also receive notifications of the changed call data though CTI call events. However, application scripts or databases that are used to populate the call variables are not directly affected by this edit.



In the Finesse desktop, expand the call control gadget to display the call variables.


Click in the text box to edit the values as required.


In the following scenarios the changes made to the call variable by a user is overwritten:

  • When multiple users edit the same field at the same time. For example, when two users (User A and User B) are editing the same field at the same time and if User A saves the edited values. Then, the changes that are made by User B are overwritten and User B is notified with a message.

  • When there is a script change in the CTI server and during this period a user is editing the values. Then, the changes that are made by the user are overwritten and the user is notified with a message.


Click Save.

To retrieve the previously saved values, click Revert.


The unsaved field values are overwritten during conflict.

Force Wrap-Up

If your administrator has assigned wrap-up reasons and you wish to change your state from wrap-up to any other state, a tooltip with the message Select Wrap-Up Reason is displayed. You cannot change your state unless the wrap-up reason is applied, or your timer expires and your state is changed automatically.

The wrap-up timer is applicable when administrator has set the wrap-up time for the CSQ. When agents end a call, the wrap-up timer starts the countdown and agents are required to wrap-up before the timer reaches zero.

For Example, if the timer is set to 30 seconds, the timer starts from 30 and ends on zero.

The wrap-up timer is displayed below the state.

View My History

Use the My History tab on the Agent or Supervisor desktop to view your recent call history and state history.

Recent Call History

Click the My History tab on the desktop, you can view the following details of your calls since the last time you logged in:

  • Type: Indicates if the call was an Inbound or Outbound call.

  • Number: Indicates the phone number of the call.

  • Disposition: Indicates the action taken for the call.

  • Wrap-Up Reason: Indicates the call reason category.

  • Queue: Indicates the queue associated with the call.

  • Start-Time: Indicates the start time of the call.

  • Duration: Indicates the duration of the call.

    • For Inbound calls it includes the ring time, talk time, and hold time.

    • For Outbound calls it includes dial tone, ring back, talk time, and hold time.

  • Make Call: Click on the call icon to initiate an outgoing call when in Ready or Not Ready state.

Recent State History

Click the My History tab on the desktop, you can view the following details of your call state history since the last time you logged in:

  • Start Time: Indicates the time when agent state was initiated.

  • State: Indicates the ACD agent state.

  • Reason: Indicates the reason for the current agent state.

  • Duration: Indicates the duration of the agent state.

View Multiple Live Data Report Views

Cisco Unified Intelligence Center allows you to view multiple Live Data reports or views on a single gadget. You can select the desired view to display from a drop-down on the gadget toolbar, which lists up to five report views in Report Name - View Name format. Your administrator determines which views are available for you to select.

From the Live Data report toolbar, you can:

  • Pause and resume event updates in the Live Data gadget using the Pause and Play button. (If the button is paused when there are updates available on the gadget, a notification appears over the button.)

  • Hide and restore the toolbar using the arrow in the center of the toolbar.

  • Access help for the relevant reporting gadgets by clicking the help button.

View Team Message

On logging in to the Finesse desktop, you can view the Team Message banner which broadcasts the active team updates sent by your supervisor in real-time. The total number of active messages sent by your supervisor is displayed in the banner. By clicking the number, you can view the latest message with the name of the supervisor and the timestamp being displayed against each message.

You can toggle between the active messages (note that messages expire after a time frame, as set by the Supervisor).

If the Finesse desktop is inactive, a toaster notification appears when a new team message is sent by the Supervisor. You can click the notification to view the message.

Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (35)


During failover, the team message banner and the failover banner will be displayed together.

Send Error Report

If you experience problems with the Finesse desktop, you can send a set of desktop logs to your administrator.



To send desktop logs to the administrator, click the user options on the top-right corner of your screen.


Select the Send Error Report option from the drop-down.

After Finesse desktop submits the logs, the Send Error Report option changes to display the Successfully Sent confirmation message.

The Send Error Report option reappears after the Finesse desktop submits the logs.


If your browser freezes or crashes before you can click the Send Error Report option and you need to restart your browser, do not click the Send Error Report option right away. After a browser restart, the logs are no longer available. You must wait until the desktop starts to exhibit the problem again and then select the option.

Drag-and-Drop and Resize Gadget or Component

The administrator can configure the drag-and-drop and resize gadget or component features for agents and supervisors to customize their Finesse desktop.

  • The drag-and-drop feature allows agents and supervisors to drag (and drop) the gadget or the component to the required position on the desktop layout.

  • The resize feature allows the agents and supervisors to shrink or expand the gadget or the component to a custom size on the desktop layout.

The Finesse desktop retains your customizations when you access the browser again. For more information on resetting to default layout, see the Reset Layout section.

Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (36)


These features are also applicable for third-party gadgets.

Restrictions and Limitations

The following are the restrictions and limitations for drag-and-drop or resize feature:

  • Rearranging and resizing action that is performed on a gadget or component is specific to the logged in user, the browser used, to the respective tab, and the device used.

  • Rearranging and resizing actions aren’t applicable for header and page-level gadgets and components. For example, Agent State for Voice and Dialer Component.

Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (37)


If the administrator modifies the default layout, the changes that you made are overwritten with the default settings. The changes are reflected when you refresh or sign in again.

Drag-and-Drop a Gadget or Component

Before you begin

This feature is available on your Finesse desktop only if the administrator has configured this feature for you.



Sign in to the Cisco Finesse desktop.


Place the pointer on the gadget or component title header. When the pointer changes to Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (38) , click and drag the gadget or component to the required position on the desktop layout.

The drag-and-drop action that is performed on a gadget or component is specific to the logged in user, the browser used, to the respective tab, and the device used.


You can arrange a maximum of 12 gadgets or components side by side in a specific tab.

Resize a Gadget or Component

Before you begin

This feature is available on your Finesse desktop only if the administrator has configured this feature for you.



Sign in to the Cisco Finesse desktop.


Place the pointer on the gadget or component border. When the pointer changes to Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (39) , then click and drag the Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (40) to resize the gadget or component on the desktop layout.

The resize action that is performed on a gadget or component is specific to the logged in user, the browser used, to the respective tab, and the device used.


  • Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (41) indicates vertical resizing and Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (42) indicates horizontal resizing.

  • The maximum length of the gadget is restricted to the screen length. The minimum length of the gadget is restricted to a 12th of the screen length.

Reset Layout

If you have modified the desktop layout using the drag-and-drop and resize features, then the layout can be reset to the default view using Reset Layout option. The Reset Layout option is available in the user options icon drop-down list.

Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (43)


You can also clear your browser cache to reset the layout to the default view.



Click the user options icon on the top-right corner of the screen.


Click Reset Layout.


Click Ok in the confirmation dialog box.

Restores the default view across all tabs.
Cisco Finesse Agent and Supervisor Desktop User Guide, Release 12.5(1) - Common Tasks [Cisco Finesse 12.5(1)] (2024)
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