Making Prop Bets for the New Season of "The Bachelor" (2024)

Every reality show that hopes to survive inherently needs to reboot itself once or twice.The Real Worldbrought in the exes last year (in the season subtitled,EX-PLOSION) and the "skeletons" this year,Jersey Shoretook its carnival act to Miami and then Italy, andSurvivornow makes contestants compete against their loved ones to see if "blood is thicker than water." The only reasonThe Amazing Racehas stayed the same is because one of CBS's main jobs is to assure old people that the world isn't rapidly changing. Also, the Emmyshave pretty much co-signed the show's static approach.

One other show that refuses to change isThe Bachelor. Every January there's a new, conventionally handsome white guy. (Last year they had a Venezuelan bachelor. Peoplehatedit.). As the story goes, Random White Guy's heart was broken on the previous season ofThe Bachelorette, so now he gets tomove into ABC's L.A. mansion to make-out with as many girls as possible in a quest to find love.

This year is no different—the bachelor, Iowa farmer Chris Soules, is so white-bread he'll give you gut bacteria, and his harem of maybe jobless, maybe crazy bachelorettes is just as traditional. Undoubtedly, Chris will take advantage of these broken souls in dates on helicopters as they go from Bora Bora to Istanbul to Reykjavik (the show is very clearly running out of places to go as well). Perhaps The Bacheloris worried about changing the formula because, HOW DARE WE DISRUPT THE PATH TO LOVE, but, the show is a paltry 2-for-18 at finding everlasting happiness. So, a change could do them good.

But since it seems like no wrenches are being thrown into this new season ofThe Bachelor, I'm moving to reboot the series myself—as a vehicle for high-stakes gambling.Bachelorfantasy leagues already exist, but we can still do more. We need to be betting oneverythingabout this show. As a trial run, I put together the 15 best prop bets for tonight's premiere. I'm not sure if Vegas will take these, but setting up a part of The Strip wholly devoted to reality TV betting is much further down the road in my plans to change this show, so maybe just bet amongst friends for now.

Without any further delay, here are some things to throw money at—and a way to makeThe Bachelor1,000 times more fun.

Chris Soules makes a farming analogy about love...

Over 5 times:-500

Under 5 times: +250

Now, just a quick primer on how prop bets work for those who don't know. The "+250" figure next to the "under" bet means that a bettor would receive $250 in profit if they bet $100. The "-500" figure next to the "over" bet means you'd have to bet that dollar amount (in this case, $500) in order towin$100. So basically, what this bet means is that Chris Soules is probably gonnabe talking a lot about how tilling corn fields is similar to hitting on girls.

Got it? Dope. Now let's rattle some off.

Will a girl cry upon meeting Chris Soules?



Will a girl reference having children with Chris Soules on the first night?


No:Even Money

Will a girl's backstory intro look exceedingly fake?



Will a girl have an occupation that isn't actually a job?



Okay, with a little research, you could figure out how to bet on this one:

Nope, that is not a job. Are you sure you didn't mean to write down "Bass Pro Shop employee"?

Will the News Producer contestant have aNightcrawlermoment with Chris Soules?



Will Chris Harrison point out something self-evident?


No:Just, trust me. Don't bet "No" on this one.

Will Chris Soules tongue down a girl on the first night?



Will Chris Soules tongue downmorethan one girl on the first night?


No:Even Money

Meta-Bachelor: How many girls will be professedly self-aware about how they're onThe Bachelor?

Over 3:-1000

Under 3:+250

Will the contestant from Brooklyn talk about Brooklyn the way Taylor Swift would?

Yes: -2500


The drink of choice at the co*cktail mixer will be...


White Wine:-250

Red Wine:+200

Brown liquor:+700

Will someone slander former Venezuelan Bachelor Juan Pablo for no reason?



Will Chris Soules and/or a girl...

Say they're "there for the right reasons":-25000

Call this TV show a "journey":-25000

Call an hours-old relationship fostered on a TV show "real":-25000

Will all of the contestants be batsh*t crazy?


No:Just, trust me. Don't bet "No" on this one.

HappyBachelorseason everyone!

Andrew Gruttadaro is the Pop Culture news editor. He's definitely here for the right reasons, and he tweets here.

Making Prop Bets for the New Season of "The Bachelor" (2024)
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