Prevagen Review 2024: Ingredients, Side Effects, & Alternatives (2024)

Prevagen Review 2024: Ingredients, Side Effects, & Alternatives (1)

Many people around the world are seeking better cognitive function to improve their day-to-day lives. Prevagen is a potent nootropic that is often considered during this pursuit toward optimal brain health.

It’s marketed as anenhancer of memory and cognitive function, but is it effective?

We’ve thoroughly researched and personally tested Prevagen to provide an authentic perspective. This review will help students, professionals, and the aging population understand if Prevagen can truly sharpen mental performance.

We’ll share our first-hand experience, observed results, and vital safety details to inform your decision on incorporating Prevagen into your cognitive health routine.

Prevagen Review

Our review of Prevagen at WholisticResearch revealed disappointing results. Our team, after a trial period, experienced negligible improvements in short-term memory or cognitive function, contrary to the product’s claims.

We found the supplement’s efficacy to be underwhelming, and considering its cost, it did not offer value for money. Side effects were minimal; however, the lack of noticeable benefits overshadowed this aspect.

Analyzing customer feedback, we observed a prevailing trend of dissatisfaction, with many users echoing our sentiment regarding its ineffectiveness. The small fraction of positive testimonials did little to counterbalance the overwhelming number of negative experiences shared by consumers.

Pros of Prevagen

Here are some of the potential benefits associated with Prevagen:

  • May improve memory
  • Typically well tolerated

Cons of Prevagen

While Prevagen is marketed as a supplement to improve memory, there are several drawbacks to consider before deciding to use it:

  • Not vegan-friendly
  • Not effective for many users
  • The active ingredient has not been extensively studied in human trials
  • Legal controversies surrounding the marketing claims

About Prevagen

Quincy Bioscience, the company behind Prevagen, is a well-known name in the supplement industry. They’ve carved out a niche with their flagship product, which they claim stands out from other memory supplements on the market.

The main ingredient in Prevagen isapoaequorin, a protein originally found in jellyfish.

This ingredient is touted as being instrumental in improving brain function and memory. Quincy Bioscience asserts that this sets Prevagen apart from other cognitive health products.

We understand that many are drawn to Prevagen because of what it claims to help with—improving memory and supporting a sharper mind and clearer thinking. These are appealing prospects for anyone concerned about cognitive health.

In 2017, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the New York State Attorney General charged the makers of Prevagen with making deceptiveadvertising claims.(1) After which, they toned down their promises about how much Prevagen can deliver.

Customer Reviews & Feedback

For Prevagen, the overall customer satisfaction appears to lean towards the negative side. A significant number of users have reported a lack of noticeable improvement in cognitive function, questioning the efficacy of the product.

Additionally, some have raised concerns about the cost versus the benefits received, feeling that the product did not live up to its promises or justify its price point.

Positive Reviews of Prevagen

Our journey with Prevagen has been marked by many shared experiences. Many report a noticeable improvement in memory function and clarity of thought after using the product.

The reviews often highlight how Prevagen meets expectations. Users express gratitude for feeling more alert and focused during daily tasks.

The positive notes from these reviews include:

  • Enhanced memory recall
  • Greater mental clarity
  • Improvement in everyday cognitive functions

These points suggest that for some, Prevagen is a positive influence on their cognitive health routine.

Negative Reviews of Prevagen

However, not all expeditions end on a high note, and similarly, not everyone’s experience with Prevagen has been positive. There are those who feel let down by the product, citing little to no change in their cognitive abilities.

From our analysis of negative feedback, several points stand out:

  • Lack of noticeable results
  • Concerns over product price point
  • Doubts about long-term efficacy

It’s important to consider these critiques as they offer another perspective on the effectiveness of Prevagen.

Our Experience with Prevagen

Prevagen’s package arrived at the WholisticResearch office within days. The product was securely packaged, ensuring its safety during transit.

We had three of our team members, Jason Williams, George Collins, and Yoko Hill, test Prevagen for a full month to gauge its effectiveness. Each of them took the supplement daily as directed on the packaging.

Jason found integrating Prevagen into his daily routine to be straightforward, akin to taking a regular vitamin. However, he reported no discernible difference in his cognitive abilities or overall well-being. “Honestly, it didn’t live up to the hype,” he commented with disappointment in his tone.

George was initially attracted to the convenience of a pill for better memory, but as time went on, his views shifted. “I thought it would be great, but if there’s no benefit, what’s the point?” he questioned, reflecting on the lack of noticeable effects.

Yoko, who began with a healthy dose of skepticism, found her doubts validated. Despite completing the trial period, she observed no significant improvements in alertness or memory. “I wanted to give it a fair shot, but I can’t say I’ve noticed any changes,” she admitted, her voice laced with a hint of frustration over the unmet expectations.

Their feedback aligns somewhat with customer reviews from previous sections without echoing those sentiments exactly; it adds firsthand insight instead.

Effectiveness & Results

Performance CategoryRating
Cognitive Enhancement⭐⭐☆☆☆ 2.0/5
Focus and Concentration⭐⭐☆☆☆ 2.0/5
Memory Improvement⭐⭐☆☆☆ 2.0/5
Learning Enhancement⭐⭐☆☆☆ 2.0/5
Mood Stabilization/Enhancement⭐⭐☆☆☆ 2.0/5
Energy Boost⭐⭐☆☆☆ 2.0/5
Brain Health Improvement⭐⭐☆☆☆ 2.0/5
Neuroprotection⭐⭐☆☆☆ 2.0/5
Neuroplasticity Improvement⭐⭐☆☆☆ 2.0/5
Cognitive Clarity and Focus⭐⭐☆☆☆ 2.0/5
Creativity Enhancement⭐⭐☆☆☆ 2.0/5
Stress Reduction⭐⭐☆☆☆ 2.0/5
Reaction Time Improvement⭐⭐☆☆☆ 2.0/5
Anxiety Reduction⭐⭐☆☆☆ 2.0/5

Our journey with Prevagen brought us to three different stories: Jason Williams, George Collins, and Yoko Hill. Each of them shared their unique experiences with the supplement.

Jason found that after three weeks of use, his ability to recall stuff improved a bit. He reported feeling more alert throughout his workday. However, it may as well be a placebo effect.

George didn’t notice any noteworthy changes in his cognitive function. Even after a full month, he felt much the same as before starting Prevagen. However, he did mention experiencing mild constipation, which subsided once he adjusted his diet.

As for Yoko, she experienced disappointing results. In the first week, she felt more focused during tasks that required sustained attention but the effects failed to materialize later on. She also dealt with bouts of nausea which made her question if it was worth continuing.

These individual accounts highlight an important point about Prevagen’s effectiveness: results can vary greatly from person to person.

Some users like Jason may experience benefits related to memory and alertness while others might not see any noticeable change at all.

Prevagen Ingredients & Supplement Facts

Prevagen has a fairly simple but unique ingredient set.

Let’s look closely at what’s inside this product.

  • Vitamin D3 — 50 mcg
  • Apoaequorin — 10 mg

Vitamin D3 — 50 mcg

Vitamin D3, also known as cholecalciferol, is a fat-soluble vitamin crucial for maintaining healthy bones by aiding calcium absorption. Beyond skeletal health, it supports immune function and has been linked to mood regulation and cognitive performance.

Clinical studies show that vitamin D3 may reduce the risk of cognitive decline, particularly in older adults.(2) One study suggested that higher levels of vitamin D3 correlate with better cognitive function.(3)

50 mcg (2000 IU) of Vitamin D3 is above the recommended range of 400-800 IU for adults. The extra amount can benefit those with malabsorption, but it can also heighten the chances of side effects of overdosage.

Apoaequorin — 10 mg

Apoaequorin (a synthetic version of it) stands out as the flagship component of Prevagen. It’s a protein found in certain jellyfish species and is believed to support cognitive functions such as memory and clarity of thought.

Clinical trials have indicated some positive effects on cognitive performance among those taking apoaequorin compared to placebo groups, particularly in areas like verbal learning skills and recall tasks.(4)

The inclusion of 10 mg apoaequorin per capsule seems promising based on these studies. However, it’s important to note that research is still ongoing regarding optimal dosages for maximum benefits without side effects.

Prevagen Side Effects & Safety

We monitored for any adverse effects or reactions when taking Prevagen.

Jason did not report any side effects, George had episodes of digestive discomfort, and Yoko faced bouts of nausea that raised concerns about the supplement’s suitability for her. The intensity of these side effects ranged from mild to moderate.

We’ve seen various user reports suggesting that side effects are relatively rare but can occur. These may include:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Heart palpitations
  • Gastrointestinal problems

It’s important to note these symptoms could stem from individual sensitivities to the ingredients used in Prevagen.

To minimize risks when taking Prevagen:

  1. Consult a healthcare provider before starting.
  2. Start with a lower dose to assess tolerance.
  3. Monitor your body’s response over time.

Price & Value for Money

At $39.95 for a month’s supply, Prevagen’s price point is steep considering the mixed results reported by users.

While some experience slight cognitive improvements, many find no benefit, questioning the value. The subscription model offers discounts, which may slightly ease the cost for regular users.

Given the inconsistency in effectiveness, the price seems unjustified for the potential benefits. Those considering Prevagen should weigh the cost against the uncertain chance of noticeable cognitive enhancement.

Where to Buy Prevagen

Finding Prevagen is straightforward. Besides the officialPrevagen website, many online retail stores stock it. These include Amazon and Walmart, as well as specialized health supplement stores.

Prevagen is available in physical stores too. Major pharmacy chains such as CVS and Walgreens carry the product on their shelves.

This option allows us to see the product before purchasing and avoid waiting for delivery.

Prevagen Alternatives and Similar Supplements

Prevagen’s active ingredient, apoaequorin, has raised questions about its effectiveness.

Research suggests that this protein may not cross the blood-brain barrier, potentially limiting its cognitive benefits.(5)

This is why exploring alternatives like Mind Lab Pro and Nooceptin can be worthwhile.

Both supplements offer unique blends of nootropics that differ from Prevagen’s single-component approach. They aim to enhance brain function through a more comprehensive formula.

Prevagen vs Mind Lab Pro

When considering Mind Lab Pro as a substitute for Prevagen, we find several compelling reasons to make the switch. Unlike Prevagen, Mind Lab Pro contains a blend of 11 nootropic ingredients designed to support various aspects of cognitive health.

It includes Phosphatidylserine and Citicoline. These components have been studied for fostering neural growth and protecting against cognitive decline.

We recommend Mind Lab Pro because it targets multiple pathways in the brain rather than just one. Its pros include:

  • A broader spectrum of cognitive support
  • Ingredients backed by clinical research
  • The absence of stimulants or artificial additives

Opting for Mind Lab Pro could mean choosing a more holistic approach to memory enhancement and overall mental clarity compared to what you might get with Prevagen alone.

Prevagen vs Nooceptin

Nooceptin stands out as another strong contender in the realm of cognitive enhancers. Like Mind Lab Pro, it offers advantages over Prevagen due to its multifaceted formulation that supports memory, focus, mood balance, and long-term brain health.

The supplement features well-researched nootropics such as Ginkgo Biloba, Lion’s Mane Mushroom, Bacopa Monnieri, and more.

These ingredients are known for promoting cerebral blood flow and neuroprotection—benefits not directly linked with apoaequorin found in Prevagen.

Many choose Nooceptin over other options because it provides:

  • Comprehensive support beyond simple memory improvement
  • Synergistic action among various compounds
  • Favorable user reviews highlighting noticeable results without adverse effects

For those seeking an alternative that goes beyond the offerings of Prevagen while maintaining safety profiles similar to dietary supplements, Nooceptin could very well be the answer.


Review CriteriaRating
Cognitive Efficacy⭐⭐☆☆☆ 2.0/5
Ingredient Quality & Safety⭐⭐⭐☆☆ 3.0/5
Side Effect Risk⭐⭐⭐☆☆ 3.0/5
Research & Evidence⭐⭐☆☆☆ 2.0/5
Cost-Effectiveness⭐⭐☆☆☆ 2.0/5
Personal Experience⭐⭐☆☆☆ 2.0/5
User Feedback⭐⭐☆☆☆ 2.0/5
Overall Rating⭐⭐☆☆☆ 2.4/5

While Prevagen has its proponents, the lack of unanimous support and potential side effects make us hesitant to recommend it wholeheartedly.

Prevegan provides mild memory support (at best!) and even weaker overall cognitive improvement (if at all).

Prevagen’s claims of treating mild memory loss and cognitive impairment are unfounded.

We believe that Mind Lab Pro and Nooceptin offer safer bets due to their comprehensive formulas that actually support brain function and memory improvement.

If you’re on the hunt for a cognitive enhancer, consider these alternatives as possibly more reliable ways to support your brain health.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Prevagen really worth it?

Prevagen’s benefits are not conclusively supported by scientific evidence, making its high cost hard to justify for the unproven claims of enhancing memory.

Can Prevagen work on young adults?

Prevagen is generally targeted at older adults with mild memory issues. There isn’t much evidence to suggest significant benefits for the young and healthy.

How does Prevagen compare to prescription memory drugs?

Prevagen is asupplement, not a medication, so it doesn’t undergo the rigorous testing that prescription drugs do. Its effects may be milder and less researched compared to prescribed options.

Does taking more than the recommended dose of Prevagen lead to better results?

Nope! Stick to the suggested dose. More isn’t always better and can increase the risk of side effects or other health concerns.

Will I see immediate improvements in my memory after starting Prevagen?

Patience is key; some users report benefits only after several weeks or months of consistent use. Instant results are unlikely.

  1. Office of the Attorney General. “A.G. Schneiderman Announces Lawsuit Against Major Dietary Supplement Manufacturer For Allegedly Deceptive Advertising Of Alzheimer’s Supplements.” New York State Office of the Attorney General, 2017
  2. Soni, Maya, et al. “Vitamin D and cognitive function.”Scandinavian Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Investigation72.sup243 (2012): 79-82.
  3. Annweiler, Cédric, et al. “Vitamin D and cognitive performance in adults: a systematic review.”European journal of neurology16.10 (2009): 1083-1089.
  4. Morrill, Gene A., Adele B. Kostellow, and Raj K. Gupta. “Computational comparison of a calcium-dependent jellyfish protein (apoaequorin) and calmodulin-cholesterol in short-term memory maintenance.”Neuroscience Letters642 (2017): 113-118.
  5. Ehlers, Vanessa L., Chad W. Smies, and James R. Moyer Jr. “Apoaequorin differentially modulates fear memory in adult and aged rats.”Brain and Behavior10.11 (2020): e01832.

Prevagen Review 2024: Ingredients, Side Effects, & Alternatives (2024)
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