FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (2024)

Published: FFXIV - Final Fantasy 14, FFXIV Hunting Logs

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (1)

Post Sections

  • Have You Cleared Rank 2?
    • Are You Level 20+?
  • Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 3
    • Kedtrap
    • Stoneshell
    • Lead Coblyn
    • Overgrown Offering
    • Coeurl Pup
    • Balloon
    • Sabotender
    • Qiqirn Roerunner
    • Goblin Thug
    • Coeurlclaw Cutter
    • Apkallu
    • Pteroc

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Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 3 takes you over the halfway mark in clearing the entire Hunting log for Gladiator and Paladin! In this guide I’ll show you where I think it’s quickest and/or easiest to hit the required number.

Have You Cleared Rank 2?

If you have not cleared Gladiator Rank 2, please go ahead and do that now. You won’t be able to start Rank 3 until that is cleared.

Are You Level 20+?

It is totally possible to clear a difficulty rank of the Hunting Log while under the minimum level of the next rank. So to unlock Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 3, you’ll also need to be at least Level 20.

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 3

You will need to defeat 3 or 4 of each type (most are 4) to tick them off the list. There are 12 types of enemy to take down.

Reward: 20,000 FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (2)

Using This Guide

  • All the enemy screenshots below can be viewed full size. Just click/tap on their image.
  • To zip between enemies use the Section Menu ↑ buttons to be taken back to the enemy list.

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Gladiator 21

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (4) 6,300


Number Required: 3

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (5)

Yay, another semi-sentient plant. Kedtraps are huge, moving "flowers" that spit seeds at you. It's so nice to know the Twelveswood is so calm and tranquil. Also, have you seen an actual Ked, yet? If anything these blooms would be trapped by the Keds, not vice versa!

Kedtrap Location

These can be picked off individually, so I've marked a few dots on the map. However, the easiest way to clear it is if the FATE Kickin' it with the KedtrapsFFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (6) is on.


The Black Shroud: South Shroud

Nearest Aetheryte

South Shroud: Quarrymill


Around X:15.7, Y:19.7

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Number Required: 4

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (8)

I bet you can't work out what these creatures' primary defence is, can you?! Thankfully, even if someone else is clearing their Hunting Log Rank 3 at the same time as you, there are loads of Stoneshells for you here.This crab is kind of like a distant relative of Thanalan's Thickshell. I was going to link the related FFXIV hunting logs, but it's all three from Thanalan, so I won't!


These crabs are in the Oakwood part of Upper La Noscea. It is quicker and easier to reach this by taking the road North from Western La Noscea.If you do teleport to Camp Bronze Lake and don't have flying yet, head to the boat ferry.


Upper La Noscea: Oakwood

Nearest Aetheryte

Upper La Noscea: Camp Bronze Lake (Fly or take the boat to Oakwood) and Western La Noscea: Aleport


Around X:13.2, Y:24.4

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Gladiator 22

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (10) 6,500

Lead Coblyn

Number Required: 4

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (11)

These rock-munching critters can be found in the tunnel between Vesper Bay and Cape Westwind further North. The Lead Coblyn is just another variety of the many found in Eorzea and other regions.

Lead Coblyn Location

Remember the Bloated Bogy from Gladiator Rank 2 (and Pugilist and Thaumaturge)? It's the same tunnel - just a bit deeper in.

Involved in FATE

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (12) Tripped up by the Fruit of AnotherFFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (13)


Western Thanalan: The Footfalls

Nearest Aetheryte

Western Thanalan: Horizon

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Gladiator 23

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (15) 6,700

Overgrown Offering

Number Required: 4

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (16)

There's probably a quest somewhere around here that explains who these Overgrown Offerings are for or to. Suffice to say that they won't exactly be willing sacrifices.

Overgrown Offering Location

These can be found to the West of Quarrymill. Or, more accurately, North-East of Buscarron's Druthers. They're not difficult to spot, what with being "overgrown" and all that.


South Shroud: Upper Paths

Nearest Aetheryte

South Shroud: Quarrymill


Around X:19.3, Y:19.3

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Overgrown Offering

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Gladiator 24

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (18) 6,900

Coeurl Pup

Number Required: 4

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (19)

You know that cute little Coeurl Kitten minion you get really early on in FFXIV? Well, early-ish anyway. That kitten becomes a Coeurl Pup (no confusion there). Well I hope your sofa or garden is big for when kitty grows up!

Coeurl Pup Location

You can find the pups at Fool Falls in Upper La Noscea - you know, on the island with no Aetheryte. There are a few pups here, but also some full-grown ones. Just giving you a heads up.

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (20) Involved in FATE

Poor Maid's MisfortuneFFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (21)


Upper La Noscea: Oakwood

Nearest Aetheryte

Western La Noscea: Aleport, or Upper La Noscea: Bronze Lake


Around X:9.5, Y:21.6

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Coeurl Pup

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Gladiator 25

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (23) 7,100


Number Required: 4

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (24)

Balloons are self-powering, self-detonating balls of flaming fury. It's probably not advisable for you to hand these out at a children's birthday party. At least Bomb was an accurate description!

Balloon Location

You can find these floating around in ones or twos West of Fallgourd Float. They mingle with the Banemites, which is great if you need the materials to make Velveteen. Not so great otherwise.

Involved in Quest

Trouble on the RoadFFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (25)


North Shroud: Alder Springs

Nearest Aetheryte

North Shroud: Fallgourd Float


Around X:17.5, Y:26.5

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Gladiator 26

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (27) 7,600


Number Required: 4

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (28)

These walking Cacti roam around Little Ala Mhigo in Southern Thanalan. Do look for the little hunting log symbol over their "heads" though. This is because not all Sabotenders bear the name without some other word attached! Have fun having loads of needles flung in your direction. You'd better put those combat skills to use with some interrupts! These can be found South of Little Ala Mhigo towards "Burnt Lizard Creek". Lovely.


Southern Thanalan: Broken Water

Nearest Aetheryte

Southern Thanalan: Little Ala Mhigo


Around X:17.1, Y:15.5

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Gladiator 27

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (30) 8,600

Qiqirn Roerunner

Number Required: 4

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (31)

Wherever the Qirqirn go, trouble seems to ensue. This time it's the Qiqirn Roerunner causing the caffuffle. There's no wonder the poor innocent trading one in Limsa is terrified! Very often they want shinies or sparklies and they definitely don't want you looting their loot!

Where are the Roerunners?

Unfortunately, they're on the far side of Highbridge in Eastern Thanalan, then South of there. You can find them near the Yugr'am River.That's a long ride - or a slightly less-long flight if you're doing this after completing A Realm Reborn.

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (32) Involved in FATEs

The thing about "FATEs" here is that it's a "FATE-chain". It begins with FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (33) Attack on Highbridge: PreludeFFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (34) and is five FATEs long.Your Qiqirn Roerunners (not, as some call them, Roadrunners!) are involved in them. Along with a whole hoard/gaggle of rat-folk.


Eastern Thanalan: Wellwick Wood

Nearest Aetheryte

Eastern Thanalan: Camp Drybone


Around X:23.9, Y:23.1

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Qiqirn Roerunner

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Gladiator 28

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (36) 9,400

Goblin Thug

Number Required: 4

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (37)

No trading tongueflaps for jingly-shine when gobbieflock swift-takes jinglyshine from goodly uplander by pointy-stabby things.

Goblin Thug Location

While they may be experienced in thuggery, these Goblin Thugs do give themselves away when it comes to their location. Goblinsmeet. It's even labelled on the map East of Quarrymill!/facepalm.


South Shroud: Silent Arbor, Goblins Meet

Nearest Aetheryte

South Shroud: Quarrymill


Around X:28.0, Y:21.0

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Goblin Thug

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Gladiator 29

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (39) 9,700

Coeurlclaw Cutter

Number Required: 4

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (40)

Did no one ever tell these Miqo'te that it's cruel to cut the claws of cats? I'd've thought that was clear to that race of all of them! Anyhow, Coeurlclaw Cutters are the Gladiator-esque Miqo'te with a dagger and wooden shield.

Coeurlclaw Cutter Location

You can find them among other Coeurlclaw combatants outside of Takers Rot. And there are enough to be able to clear the log even if the nearby FATE is not on. You may have to wait for one or two to respawn depending on other players' activity but that's all.

Involved in FATE

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (41) A Tale of Two-tailsFFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (42) (involving Yabi Two-Tails)


South Shroud: Silent Arbor

Nearest Aetheryte

South Shroud: Quarrymill


Around X:30.0, Y:21.0

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Coeurlclaw Cutter

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Gladiator 30

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (44) 10,000


Number Required: 4

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (45)0

Apkallu are cute birds that provide eggs and down for crafting and spit fish to interrupt your casting. Oh, that rhymed. And they are targets for multiple jobs, not just casters, sooo never mind!

I'm not sure why they appear on so many Hunting Logs, though! Maybe like seagulls in our own cities they've become pests. Or it's the fish-spitting.

Where are the Apkallu?

They are in Eastern La Noscea on and near to the road to Lower la Noscea. There is also a convenient rock that a few always gather on. The rock's coordinates are X:29.1, Y:35.8.

That makes it easy to clear this stage of the Rank 3 Hunting Log.


Eastern La Noscea: Bloodshore

Nearest Aetheryte

Eastern La Noscea: Costa del Sol


Around X:29.1, Y:35.8

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Number Required: 3

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (47)

Pteroc are fire-breathing wannabe "Pterocdactyl", maybe? They don't fly, but they do try. They're a type of puk, which seem common to Vylbrand.

Pteroc Location

It's a fair walk or ride from Camp Overlook in Outer La Noscea, if you haven't got flight yet. Head to where this area leads to Upper La Noscea and you'll find a few for your Hunting Log, no problem.


Outer La Noscea: The Long Climb

Nearest Aetheryte

Outer La Noscea: Camp Overlook


Around X:15.0, Y:18.8

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TL;DR Ramp it up with your Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 3!

Well done, you’re now more than half done with Gladiator Hunting Log as a whole now. If you’re a Weaver, and no one else looks like they need Apkallu, you can farm them for Apkallu Down. Though the drop rate does test your patience somewhat! Thanks for reading – hope it was useful. If you’re ready to move on then Rank 4 is also available, so hit the link/button below and keep on hunting!

← Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 2

Gladiator Hunting Log Rank 4 →

About the Author

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (49)

Fibro Jedi

FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (50)FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (52)

I have been playing MMOs for about ten years and began writing guides to The Lord of the Rings Online in 2017. I've only been creating content about Final Fantasy XIV since 2022, but I am glad for the mix. My current games include LOTRO, FFXIV and the occasional Palia session too.

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FFXIV Gladiator Hunting Log 3 (2024)
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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

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Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.